Makes 2 small-to-medium pizzas, enough to feed about 4 people. Rises in the fridge for better flavor and flexibility.

Apparently you can take the parbaked pizza crust and save it for another night. Somehow ours always gets eaten.

Ingredients Step
210g AP flour (1¾ c.)
206g semolina flour (1¼ c.)
1 t. yeast
8g salt (1¼ t.)
25g olive oil (2 T.)
1+ c. water, lukewarm (up to 1¼ c.)
dash garlic powder
Stir together until shaggy and let rest about 15 minutes. Then knead with dough hook in mixer for 5-10 minutes, until sticky like a post-it and soft like a marshmallow.
Grease a large container with a lid that will fit in fridge. Transfer dough to container, cover, and let rise 45 minutes on the counter. Transfer to fridge for the next 4-36 hours.
Divide dough in half. Form 2 pizza crusts of the thickness you'd like, finishing them on parchment on a baking sheet. Cover and let the crusts rise. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
After about 30 minutes, dock the dough, then parbake the pizza crusts for 6-8 minutes.
Top with tomato sauce and toppings, and bake another 8 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.

Source: PJ Hamel's Now or Later Pizza Crust at KAF