The food processor motor gets hot, but it's the right way to make this recipe....

For the sesame-free version, I leave out tahini, rather than substituting it. Lime can substitute for lemons if needed, but lemon is better.

Ingredients Step
1/4 c. tahini
juice of 1 lemon (1/4 c.)
Whip the tahini by processing in food processor for 1 minute, scraping, then processing for another 30 seconds.
2 T. olive oil
1/4 t. garlic powder
1/2 t. cumin
Process for 30 seconds. Scrape. Process for another 30 seconds or until well blended.
1.5 c. chickpeas (15 oz. can) Add half the chickpeas and process for 1 minute. Scrape. Add the remaining half of the chickpeas and process until thick and smooth.
water or aquafaba Add until consistency is to taste, a tablespoon at a time followed by food processing.
~1/2 t. salt Add to taste.