This recipe really doesn't call for much kneading, though I'd like to experiment with different lengths of time and methods.

I did experiment with boiling vs. steaming in the same batch, and we liked steaming better -- however, I can only fit 4 cutlets into a single pan. Perhaps I can steam them in the oven next time?

Ingredients Step
2 c. gluten
¼ c. nutritional yeast
¼ c. chickpea flour
¼ t. salt
2 t. onion powder
1 t. poultry seasoning
⅛ t. turmeric (for color)
Combine in a large bowl.
1¼ c. vegetable broth
¼ c. soy sauce
2 t. olive oil
Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Pour in wet ingredients. Mix with a fork, then use knead by hand for about 3 minutes (until it is a firm dough). Divide into 8 pieces. Form cutlets by stretching and smoothing.
water Lightly grease a steamer basket. Bring water to a boil, add the basket, and add the cutlets to the basket. Steam 15 minutes, turn, and steam another 15 minutes, being careful the pot doesn't boil dry.

Source: Isa Chandra's Post Punk Kitchen, adjusted by me (her version boils the seitan and doesn't include turmeric)