Two foccacias that live in the fridge until you're ready to bake them. It seems to actually work better with generic flour.

Ingredients Step
380 g. water (1.5 c + 2 T.)
27 g. (1/8 c.) olive oil
1.5 t. yeast
16 g. (2.25 t.) salt
1 T. sugar
510 g. all-purpose flour
Stir together. Partially cover and let rest 2 hours. Then chill fully covered (if possible).
olive oil
Preheat oven to 450. Pour 1/8 c. olive oil into a 9" pan. Take half the dough ball from the fridge, place it face-down in the oil, flip it, and then stretch it to fill the pan (you'll likely need to let it rest 15 minutes and re-stretch, possibly repeatedly). Once it fills the pan, top it with whatever you'd like. Cover it and let it rise 20 minutes (don't rush it). Bake 20-25 minutes.

Source: Washington Post