Tag: raspberries

Raspberry Lemonade

This beautifully pink recipe works particularly well in late May/early June, when there are still some end-of-season lemons and the raspberry bushes are laden with harvest. I wouldn't recommend sourcing this recipe in a grocery store trip; it'd probably be both excessively expensive and not nearly as tasty as when a neighborhood/friend group is drowning in lemons and raspberries.

If you start with 1¾ c. fresh-squeezed lemon juice (5-12 lemons), you will get 7 cups of lemonade. Alternative ratios are below recipe.

Ingredients Step
lemons that will produce 1¾ c. juice (5-12) Roll lemons. Then squeeze into a large liquid measuring cup until you have 1¾ c. lemon juice. (If you have an alternate amount of juice, scale everything else accordingly — see ratio below recipe.)
2 c. raspberries (8 oz., or half a metal camping bowl)
½ c. lemon juice
Puree in blender, then strain through a sieve into a bowl. Discard solids (the seeds).
1¼ c. lemon juice
1 c. white sugar
5 c. water
raspberry-lemon juice
Combine in a pitcher that can hold at least 8 cups. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Taste and adjust as needed (remembering there will be ice).
Serve over ice, possibly with a sprig of mint. Sugar rims are nice; salt rims are not (even after yardwork).

The scaling ratio is: For each ¼ c. lemon juice, use ¼ c. raspberries, ⅛ c. sugar, and ⅔-¾ c. water. Each root unit makes a single serving (8 oz. lemonade plus ice yields a 12-16 oz. serving).

Source: Once Upon a Chef

Raspberry Buttermilk Cake

An easy, light, thin cake.

Ingredients Step
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Butter and flour a 9" round pan (springform is helpful).
1 c. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
Whisk together.
1/2 stick butter, ideally softened
2/3 c. white sugar
Beat together until pale and fluffy.
1/2 t. vanilla
1/2 t. lemon zest. (optional)
Add. Mix in.
1 egg Add. Beat well.
1/2 c. buttermilk Alternate the dry ingredients with the buttermilk to make a batter. Smooth into prepared cake pan.
1 c. raspberries Scatter on top. Do not push in.
1.5 T. sugar Sprinkle on top.
Bake til golden and a toothpick inserted at center removes cleanly, ~15 minutes.
Cool 10 minutes in pan. Then turn onto a cooling rack for 10-15 (until warm).

Source: Smitten Kitchen